Free California Financial Affidavit PDF Template

Updated on November 2, 2021

A California financial affidavit is a legal document that contains sworn information and statement regarding an affiant’s finances. The given information ranges from income, assets, debts, and expenses. The document is written according to California state laws and is used in court when dealing with child and spousal support.

Personal details

  • Name of the affiant
  • Date of birth of the affiant
  • Current Address of the affiant
  • Social security number of the affiant

Employment details

The options are either not employed or employed.

For the employed, fill:

  • The name of the employer
  • Address
  • Payments (hourly, monthly)

For the self-employed, indicate your position and amount earned. Additional employer details should be entered as well where applicable following the same steps as the previous employment section.

Other sources of income should be listed if applicable.

Gross income

Gross income should be indicated where applicable.

The amount deducted for the following from the gross income should be indicated:

  • Federal and state income
  • Social security
  • Medicare
  • Health insurance
  • Union dues
  • Mandatory retirement contribution
  • Child support
  • Life insurance premiums
  • Alimony/spousal support
  • Any other deductions

Monthly net income should be indicated after the deductions.

The next section indicates all the monthly expenses and the total monthly expenses and liabilities.  There are also the assets the affiant owns and the total cash value for the assets.

Other financial information regarding the affiant should be indicated in the last section.

Affiant’s signature and print name.

Notary acknowledgment

  • State and County details
  • The date the affidavit is executed
  • The name of the undersigned (donor)
  • Signature of the notary public
  • Name of the notary public
  • The date when the commission of the notary public expires

A California financial affidavit not only helps the court to figure out mattes child and spousal support, but it also helps business makes decisions on grant allocation and status of an affiant’s company. The information given should always be truthful, otherwise, falsification is considered a crime.